Buenny Fry - Web Developer in Training

Serving all of your web development needs.

I enjoy learning how to code and program. From learning to be a web developer to creating my own programs, I really enjoy the challenges and being able to flex my creativity muscles at the same time. I like the feeling of being able to look back and say, "I built that!" But that only goes so far with personal projects. Now, I want to look and back and say, "I built that for <insert name> or <insert company name>!" I want the reputation of being one of the best.

Portfolio Concept

I have some web development experience. I have taken a couple of web design courses in college. I have created a few basic webpages for my own personal use. Unfortunately, I was never taught best practices, modern web design, or how to make a visually appealing webpage.

Project Goals

I will commit at least 25-30 hours per week to this course and complete this course in 5 months or less. I expect to put my new web development skills to use more professionally within a year after completing the course.

Course Goals

I plan on transitioning from my current position as a computer repair technician to a freelance web developer. I may also consider working as an entry level web developer for a company as long as I feel that the company is right for me and that I am right for the company. I hope to obtain the skills in this course to be able to reach my goals.

A Few Things About Me



Hey there! My name is Buenny. I am a coding fanatic and I want to code for YOU!

Some of My Skills

  • Web development
  • Programming
  • Computer repair
  • Some light networking
  • Pretty good at hacky sack

More about me

When Buenny isn't laserbeam focused on a computer-related project, he enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife watching movies, sharing witty comments, or taking spontaneous road trips to places he's never been.

Buenny has been working with computers since the early '90s before he got his first custom-build which consisted of an 8Gb hard drive with 256Mb of RAM and he loved it. Since then he has done everything from computer repair to coding programs for personal and business use along with some web development. His main focus is learning to be proficient in web development so he build awesome website for people!

Contact Info

Give me a call

(555) 867-5309

My location

I am located on one of the most popular streets in Las Vegas!

742 Fremont St. Suite 45L
Springfield, USA 58585

Send me a message

This is the fastest way to get a response. I generally respond within 1-5 hours. Occasionally messages get lost in cyberspace and I'll never get to see them. If I don't respond within the time frame, please try again.

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Frequently Asked Questions

I am just a guy who has a passion for many computer-related things. I have dabbled with html, css, javascript, php, mysql and apache long before the awesome HTML5 and CSS3 came out.

I enjoyed making personal webpages but knew nothing about best practices nor was I able to find any good documentation on the subject. Because of that, I lost my motivation. It wasn't until years later that I decided to learn more about it and pursue a career in web development.
There is so much to web development that I find exciting. Even though a lot of code will be reused, the final project will still be unique -- unlike the previous projects. It also emcompasses both coding and programming (both of which I enjoy) to accomplish some amazing things.

I want to learn the front-end and back-end of web development. I don't want to just make a website look good, I want to know how it works and what I can do to improve upon it. It's challenging yet satisfying when everything works correctly.
On the software side, aside from taking some web design courses, I have also done some programming with Pascal, Java, Visual Basic, C#, some C++, a little bit of Python, and a few scripting languages.

On the hardware side, I know how to assemble, configure, and troubleshoot computer problems.
For the past few years, I have put my A+ computer certification to good use. I mainly do helpdesk tasks. It tends to get boring because a lot the issues are the same requiring the exact same process to resolve the issue(s). Because of the repetition, I have been able to put some of my programming skills to use to make things faster and more efficient. Even so, I'm starting to get burned out and I'm ready to pursue something new.
I watch a lot of movies so it's hard to narrow any of them down to favorites. I'm not a fan of any particular style. Here is a short list of the ones off the top of head.

  • Constantine
  • Fight Club
  • The Truman Show
  • Seven
  • The Social Network
  • Pitch Perfect
  • Pitch Perfect 2
  • Dark City
... and the list goes on ...